Pearson Eco-Business Zone District Energy System Feasibility Study

As a result of the Partners in Project Green Strategy, Chris project managed the development of the Pearson Eco-Business Zone District Energy System Feasibility Study.  

The goal of the study was to identify the business potential for district energy around Toronto Pearson International Airport (Toronto Pearson) - focusing on leveraging the Greater Toronto Airports Authority's (GTAA) existing co-generation facility for heating and cooling, as well as identifying the potential to start a new system with its own energy generation system.

The feasibility study included engaging a range of land owners and businesses in the vicinity of Toronto Pearson to identify their interest in centralized heating and cooling, while developing potential system solutions and a business model for a potential district energy system.

To view the feasibility study visit here.

Barriers & Opportunities with Rooftop Solar in the Pearson Eco-Business Zone

To support the adoption of rooftop solar in the Pearson Eco-Business Zone as part of the Ontario Government's Green Energy Act, Chris project managed a study on the barriers to rooftop solar and potential solutions for the Pearson Eco-Business Zone.


Based on research and consultation with market participants, the study identified challenges that fell into four broad categories: 1) Economic Hurdles; 2) Legal and Policy Hurdles; 3) Institutional Knowledge / Capacity Hurdles; and, 4) Technical Hurdles.  

With these identified, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority developed a range of tools and resources to help organizations overcome these hurdles and implement rooftop solar installations in the Pearson Eco-Business Zone.

To view the study visit here.