York Region Post-Secondary Investment Attraction Strategy

Chris initiated and project managed the development of the York Region Post-Secondary Investment Attraction Strategy.  The Strategy aims to increase the presence of post-secondary institutions within York Region in order to meet the needs of the Region's diverse economy and growing population.

The Strategy was developed in collaboration with York Region's nine local municipal partners (Markham, Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Aurora, King, Whitchurch-Stouffville, Newmarket, East Gwillimbury and Georgina) and included input from a range of stakeholders, including major employers in the Region, a number of post-secondary institutions, and thought leaders in the field of education and research.

The Strategy identifies a range of post-secondary opportunities, including everything from learning centres to meet local specific skill gaps, to establishing a comprehensive research campus.  The Strategy also includes a policy framework for the Region's involvement in post-secondary investments to ensure they align with Regional planning goals and infrastructure investments. 


Partners in Project Green: A Pearson Eco-Business Zone Strategy

Chris spearheaded the development of Partners in Project Green: A Pearson Eco-Business Zone - an ambitious strategy to transform the business community around Toronto Pearson International Airport into an internationally recognized community known for its competitive, high performance and eco-friendly business climate.

The Partners in Project Green Strategy was developed in 2008 over eight months with the input of businesses in the Pearson Eco-Business Zone and municipal, provincial and federal governments. 


The Strategy provided background on the Pearson Eco-Business Zone, a baseline of resource use, as well as programming initiatives identified by the business community that should be developed and delivered to assist in reducing resource consumption and promoting green economic development.

As a result of the Strategy, Partners in Project Green was launched thanks to a seven year funding agreement with the Greater Toronto Airports Authority.

To read the Strategy visit: www.partnersinprojectgreen.com/about-us?id=4:our-strategy&catid=1.

To learn more about Partners in Project Green visit: www.partnersinprojectgreen.com.

Greater Toronto Airports Authority Living City Project

As a Watershed Planner with the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), Chris project managed the completion of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA) Living City Project - a series of three strategies aimed at improving the environment around Toronto Pearson International Airport (Toronto Pearson).

The GTAA Living City Project utilized an interdisciplinary approach to watershed management within the Etobicoke Creek around Toronto Pearson. Working in collaboration with the GTAA, the project involved four main components:

  1. The Terrestrial System - an inventory of the terrestrial system around Toronto Pearson to identify potential natural cover and priority restoration and enhancement sites to meet TRCA's targets for the Etobicoke watershed.
  2. The Aquatic Ecosystem - the completion of a fish management plan to identify restoration opportunities for priority aquatic habitat in the areas around Toronto Pearson.
  3. Stormwater Management - an assessment of storm water management around Toronto Pearson and the identification of priority improvements to improve water quality.
  4. Integration and Priority Implementation Priorities - the integration of the recommendations from the above strategies in a spatial form to identify priorities for implementation.

Ultimately, the GTAA Living City Project provided the groundwork for developing Partners in Project Green: A Pearson Eco-Business Zone and engaging the business community around Toronto Pearson in watershed restoration initiatives.

To view a copy of the above reports please find them below:

  1. The Terrestrial System
  2. The Aquatic Ecosystem
  3. Stormwater Management
  4. Integration and Priority Implementation Priorities